Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Beginning a blog as a Wife, Auntie, Sister and Daughter

What is it that I wish to do on this blog?  Well, I want to accomplish a lot of things really.  I would like to promote my own website for my real estate career.  I want to restart my ebay selling.  I want to get back on-line doing all that.  I am fairly new to the sweepstakes scene and I wouldn't mind testing products and doing some of the giveaways myself.  I don't have a blog to pull "buttons" off some of these other blogs so I have now made my own. 

Do I love being a wife?  Yes, yes I do.  It is one of the best things that I have ever been in my life.  I don't define myself by my husband but I do find great pleasure in taking care of him.  I also find great pleasure in making our marriage a wonderful thing in a world where divorce is common.  The very fact that he goes to work everyday to a job where he would probably rather stay in bed to make sure I am happy gives me warm fuzzies.  I want to make happily married cool again.